Jumat, 04 Agustus 2017

7 Ways to Improve Patience in Islamic Teachings

7 Ways to Improve Patience in Islamic Teachings

Patience is resistant to temptation. So, with all the tests we face, of course we must be able to stand it and pass it. But, there are people who when given a little trials, he complained and did not endure. But patience is the command of Allah, "O ye who believe, ask Allah for help with patience and prayer, Allah is with those who are patient" (Al Baqarah: 153).
Now, with a lot of reply from God, of course we can not ignore this one act. Here are seven ways you can do to be more patient in the face of every trial.

1.   Every act is intended for God
Every deed that we do must be disetai with the intention to bear goodness. And the most important intentions are the intention only to God. With a sincere intention and acting solely for God then patience will arise.

2.   Reading Al-Qur'an
One of the worship we can do without knowing the time is reading al-qur'an. You can do it either morning, noon or night. Besides that, it would be better if you also mentadaburi content of al-qur'an content. Because, you will get a lot of valuable lessons from content of al-qur'an. Well, reading al-quran also goes into the category of zikir to Allah. So, by reading our scriptures, the heart will be treated so that it is more calm and patient.

3.  Increase Fasting Sunnah
Fasting is one of the benefits is to reduce lust, especially the passions that are syahwati with the opposite sex. In addition, fasting is also a worship that is specifically able to train you to be more patient.

4.  Beat the Desire to Do Bad
Mujahadatun nafs, is an effort that we do to try maximally in order to overcome the desire of the soul that leads to bad things. Suppose such as anger, stinginess, gossip, lazy, and other negative things that may occur in our daily life.

5.  Remembering Our Purpose of Living in the World
We live in the world is none other than is to worship God. By always remembering for what we are created, will make it more motivated to do good deeds.
Meanwhile, impatience has a big enough to make a person's practice is not optimal. In fact, God sees the deeds that someone does, not see the results only.

6.  Doing Exercises to Be patient
We can also increase our patience by training ourselves. Suppose that when we're in the house alone, we better train ourselves to worship than the cool watching television. Or maybe you can train yourself by setting aside some rizki for infaq in the way of Allah.

7.  Read the Story of the Companions of the Companions
The stories of friends, tabi'in, or other Islamic figures, can be a lesson for us. They have been much ordained even heavier than us. However, they remain patient and always in the way of Allah.
By reading the stories of the Companions, we will be able to take lessons and exemplary in them. And, we can apply it in everyday life.

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