Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Eat 7 Meals to Have a Healthy Kidney

Eat 7 Meals to Have a Healthy Kidney

Getting a healthy body not only from exercising. However, it is necessary to consume nutritious intake to keep the body organs healthy.
Kidneys become organs that must be maintained so as not to damage that can cause kidney failure and result in death.and green vegetables rich in fiber such as kale and spinach are good for kidney health. In addition to kale and spinach, there are five other foods that are good for kidney health. These include:
1.      Apple
Apel memiliki serat yang tinggi
Apple is the best source of pectin. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol and glucose levels. Apple peels are also high in fiber, so do not peel the apple skin before eating because the highest source of fiber is in the skin.
This high-antioxidant fruit is thought to be good for kidney health and able to protect brain cells. Apples are also a good source of vitamin C in addition to oranges.
2.      Blueberry
Blueberry sebagai sumber vitamin C

This blue fruit is the number one fruit that is the best source of antioxidants. Blueberries are low-calorie fruits and are a source of fiber and are rich in vitamin C.
Researchers have conducted research showing that blueberries have the potential to prevent cancer and heart disease as well as efficacious for brain health. In addition, by eating these blue fruits can routinely maintain kidney health. Blueberries can be eaten directly or made into a smoothie.
3.      Fish
Kandungan omega 3 pada ikan bagus untuk ginjal
Omega 3 fatty acids are important nutrients that can not be made alone in the body. So we need to get it through food consumptions that contain omega 3, like fish.
Salmon, tuna mackerel and sardines are high in omega 3 fish. Many benefits can be obtained by eating omega-3 foods such as controlling blood clots and building cell membranes in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower heart rates that beat fast, lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure slightly lower.
4.      Kale
Kale dikemas dengan vitamin A dan C
These superfood foods are packed with high vitamin A and C, as well as calcium and become a mineral source. Kale contains carotenoids and flavonoids are good for eye health and can prevent cancer.
This green vegetable is also known as a source of vitamin K. Kale is also considered a vegetable that can maintain kidney health. However, if you have suffered damage to the kidneys it is best to reduce the consumption of kale due to its high potassium content in kale. People who are undergoing dialysis or dialysis should limit foods that contain potassium.
5.      Strawberri
Stroberi tinggi antioksidan
One of the high fruits of this antioxidant is rich in vitamins. Not only vitamins, strawberries also contain very high fiber. Because of its high antioxidant content, strawberries can make your skin brighter and shinier.
Red fruit is considered good for heart and kidney health. Strawberries also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can prevent cancer. Consumption of strawberries every day can menajaga health of other organs.
6.      Spinach
Bayam sebagai sumber magnesium
Just like kale, spinach is also rich in vitamins and high in fiber. Vitamins A, C, K and folate are contained in this green vegetable. Beta-carotene in spinach is also important to boost immunity and maintain eye health.
Spinach is also known as a source of magnesium. The best cultivation technique is to boil it and steam it. If treated with these two techniques, the nutrients in spinach will remain intact. However, although good for organ health but for people who are experiencing dialysis is not recommended to eat spinach because it contains high enough potassium.
7.      Sweet potatoes
Ubi mengandung kalium yang tinggi

Sweet potatoes that we often find in high altitude areas contain very high beta-carotene. And also a source of vitamins A, C and B-6. Cassava contains high enough potassium so good for the formation of cells, the formation of organs in the body, as well as the formation of tissues.

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