Healthy Living Style of Rasulullah Implemented During His
healthy of life rasulullah saw:
Sitting When Eating And Drinking
eating or drinking, Rasulullah always sat down. When a person sits, medically
it turns out the cavity in the digestive system (stomach) is different when
someone is in a standing position.
Diligent Fasting
living his life, Rasulullah always do Fast Sunnah. In addition to Ramadan
fasting many Muslims who do sunnah fasting especially on Monday and Thursday.
Muslims, in addition to getting a reward it was medically even fasting is very
important for the physical and psychological health of a person. When fasting
the performance of organs will become more relaxed and calm so that emotions
more easily controlled and the mind away from stress.
Eat Using the Right Hand
during the lifetime of the Prophet Saw has had natural gear such as vessel or
other, but when eating Rasulullah saw always use the right hand and this
becomes a sunnah that many Muslims follow.
in mind the results of medical research, the right hand that moves at the time
of eating left brain nerve will still work and always active. This serves to
train and keep the left brain produces a mind that remains focused and always
Balance of Body Break Time
the body is strongly recommended to take adequate rest. Did you know that the
Messenger of Allah had applied it during his lifetime. Then how did the
Messenger of Allah do it? Every day the Prophet divides his time in his
activities and keeps the balance in order for the body to be well rested.
Prophet Muhammad SAW always
divide the time into 3 parts:
1. 1/3 time is used to work
the world affairs
2. 1/3 again used for
business hereafter (worship)
3. The last 1/3 is used to
In medical studies the body
needs time to rest as much as 8 hours in a day and it is of course comes from
1/3 rest time applied by the Prophet in his daily life.
Eat Before Hungry and Stop Before The Sauce
Healthy way of living
In addition, consuming good
and halal food, the Messenger of Allah has set an example to live healthy by
eating before hunger and stop before the stomach is full. This means a person
is required to eat not excessively.
Medically it is powerful in
terms of maintaining the health of the body's digestive organs especially the
stomach, where when food and beverages enter excessively then the digestive
organs will work very hard to digest it all this will actually weaken the
performance of the body's digestive system and will cause disease and health
problems Others.
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