Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Characteristics of Insan Kamil

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Characteristics of Insan Kamil
           Insan kamil comes from Arabic, which is from two words: insan and kamil. Literally, Insan means man, and kamil means perfect. Thus, kamil man means perfect man.
             To know the characteristics of Insan Kamil can be traced to various opinions expressed by scholars whose scholarship has been recognized, including the flows. The characteristics are as follows:

1.      Optimal Function of Sense

The function of reason can be optimally found in the opinion of Mu'tajzilah. According to man whose mind optimally function can know that all good deeds like fair, honest, morals in accordance with its essence and feel obliged to do all of that although not commanded by revelation. Human-functioning mind already feel obliged to do good deeds. And such a human being can approach the human level of kamil. Thus human beings can recognize kaja good deeds and bad deeds because it has been contained in the essence of the act.

2.      Functioning Intuition

Insan Kamil can also be characterized by the functioning of the intuition within him. This intuition in Ibn Sina's view is called the rational soul. According to him if the influential in man is his human soul, then that person almost resembles an angel and approaches perfection.

3.      Able to Create a Culture

As a form of practice of the various potentials that exist in itself as human beings, the perfect human being is the man who is able to utilize all his spiritual potential optimally. According to Ibn Khaldun man is a thinking creature.

4.      Adorn Yourself With Divine Attributes

Manusai is a creature that has a divine instinct (fitrah). He tends to the things that come from God, and believe it. These qualities make him a representative of God on earth. Man as such a caliph is the ideal picture. That is the man who seeks to determine his own fate, both as a community and as an individual. That is a man who has a great responsibility, because it has a free will power.

5.      Be Honorable

Insan kamil is also a man of noble character. This is in line with Shari'ati's opinion that the perfect man has three aspects, namely the aspect of truth, virtue and beauty. In other words he has knowledge, ethics and art.

6.      Be Balanced

According to Nashr, that modern man is now not far off the mark of Darwin. That the nature of man lies in the aspect of the depth, which is permanent, immortal nature that is now exist as part of the journey of his life is very long. Unfortunately, most of them forget the essential immortality. Modern humans ignore their most basic needs, which are ruhiyah, so that they will not gain inner tranquility, which means not only the balance of self, even more so when the pressure on material needs is increased, the balance will be further damaged.

The quote implies the need for a balanced attitude in life, which is balanced between the fulfillment of material needs with spiritual or ruhiyah. This means the necessity of implanted a Sufistic soul coupled with the practice of Islamic Shariah, especially worship, zikr, tafakkur, muhasabbag and so on.

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